Random Cell Phone Radiation Facts
Nowadays, with the spurt in information and rumors about cell phone radiations and the resultant harmful effects on users and the environment in general, people have suddenly started showing concern over knowing more about cell phone radiation levels and ways to incorporate cell phone radiation protection measures for themselves and their surroundings. Since knowledge about the enemy is the best and first weapon we have against it, let's take a look at some serious facts of radiation from cell phones and learn more about the effects of cell phone radiation.
- Signals emitted by modulated cell phones have been scientifically proved to drain the surface of the brain of vital calcium, thereby, weakening the brain membrane and making the brain vulnerable to various undesirable biological conditions such as cancerous growths.
- The brain is where the damage starts but it is not the only part of the body that gets adversely affected by cell phone radiations. Damage to retina, joints, muscles, nerves, skin and various other tissues followes close on the heels of brain damage. Too much use of cell phones also results in a decreased white blood cell count in the body, lowering the body's defense against diseases.
- The radiations that are emitted by cell phones have a much deeper effect upon our biology than just attacking and degenerating various organs. Exposure to these radiations, over a long period of time, eventually leads to degeneration of our DNA structure and robs the DNA of their ability to repair themselves.
- Mobile phone radiation can also lead to behavioral and psychological issues in children whose brains are still in the developmental stage.
- Long term or extensive exposure to cell phone radiations is also known to cause fertility issues.
- Although the rumor about cooking an egg by placing it between two activated cell phones may just be an urban legend, the modulated radio waves emitted by cell phones do have the ability to fry our brain cells. These modulated radio waves cause the neurons of the brain to leak, inducing unnecessary and harmful nerve impulses that can lead to sleep disturbances, loss of concentration, mental fogginess, migraine and stress headaches and seizures.
- The same mechanism that is mentioned in the preceding point causes dermal and cardiac membranes to leak, leading to various skin infections and serious heart conditions such as abnormal palpitation and cardiac arrhythmia.
- Compared to modulated radio waves, unmodulated radio waves are a lot safer, their only effect on the body upon long term exposure, being an increase in the body temperature.
- The modulated radiations of cell phones also lead to the leakage of hemoglobin from blood cells. Extensive exposure leads to a heightened vulnerability to asthma and various allergies due to accentuation of the production of histamines in mast cells.
- Cell phone radiation leads to various digestive and metabolic abnormalities and is an active agent in raising the harmful cholesterol levels in blood.
- These radiations also put a lot of pressure on our endocrine system, leading to abnormal function of the glands.