Before we get to the procedure, there are important things to remember. Whenever you design a skirt for yourself or for any body else, make sure you consider the body type, height, etc. Always choose the fabric and design that will suit that person, and will enhance the look and also make a style statement. Consider the latest fashions and trends if you are looking for a chic skirt that you would like to flaunt.
Easy Way to Make a Skirt
We will first learn to make a skirt without a pattern that is specific. These are basics on how to sew a skirt that will help you design various patterns, once you master this.
- To begin with, you have to choose a skirt type. That is choose if you want to wear the skirt on the hips or the waist. Once you decide, measure your hips or waist size and multiply it by 3. For example let us assume for a waist skirt, if your waist measures 27", your final measurement will be 81".
- Decide which fabric you want to use for the skirt. If you are new to designing and sewing, an easy to sew and design fabric is light weight cotton. Or you can choose from other varieties of fabric.
- When purchasing the fabric, how will you decide how much fabric to buy? Simple, all you do is divide your final measurement (81" in our example here) by the length of the yard, that is (for example) 36". The answer here comes to 2 yards + 9" . You can purchase fabric measuring little more than this. There are different widths for fabrics as well, like 36", 54", and 60". Check the print on the end of the bolt. The idea is to choose the width of fabric according to length of the skirt. If you are making a short skirt, use a short width, if you are making a long skirt use a long width fabric.
- Once the fabric is chosen, you will need to check on the design as to what other embellishments you want on the skirt. From beads, laces, buttons, badges to rickrack, ribbons, etc. You can opt for a plain skirt with no embellishments also.
- You will also need elastic for the skirt. Buy a pack of ½" of elastic.
- You will need to wash the fabric before sewing it. Now fold the fabric from short end to short end (that is, unfinished end to unfinished end), putting the right sides together. Now sew them at a seam near 5/8". Press open the seam. This how to make a skirt without a pattern will go down and at back of the skirt.
- We will need to make the waist band casing now. The idea is to make a tube for the elastic to run through. To sew this, turn 1" from the top edge of your skirt, and press. Now turn ¼" of this edge from the bottom, on the inside, and press. Now sew very close to this folded edge. Leave an opening of 1" to insert the elastic through.
- You will need to hem the bottom edge now. Turn it up by 1" from the bottom and press. Stitch close to the folded edge by turning the top edge of the hem to the crease.
- Cut the elastic to the measurement of your waist, you can add 1" to the measurement. Now run the elastic through the casing for waistband, use a safety pin for the same. Over lap the ends and stitch them. To avoid a bump on the stitch, use zig zag stitches on the ends of the elastic.
- Now to give the finishing touch, add a few embellishments if you want, or simply leave the fabric and design to create admiration.
How to Make a Poodle Skirt
To make a poodle skirt, measure your waist, this measurement will be the same for the skirt waist measurement. Choose the length (a little above the knee or little below the knee is preferable). Add 1½" to the total length for seam and hem line. Use fabric in rectangles, the longer side of these rectangles should be twice the length of your skirt length (from the waist to the knee). Mark the center for both these rectangles for the longer side when placed horizontal, on the top and bottom. Use a string (of your skirt length)and attach one end with a chalk. Now hold the loose end on this center mark at the top, and draw a semi circle at the bottom of the skirt. Now use a similar string (half of your waist length), hold it at the same center at the top and make an arc. Repeat the same procedure for the other rectangle. Now cut along the arcs that you drew, you will have two halves of the skirt. Sew the skirt, the front side of the two halves facing each other. Now hem the bottom. You can print a poodle image with iron paper on the skirt.
How to Make a Skirt Out of Jeans
Cut your jeans to the required skirt length, remember to add few inches for the hem at the bottom, and turn it inside out. Now cut the seam of the legs, up to the zip in the front and the yoke at the back. Pin the front panels (from the crotch area), leave ¾" for the seam. You can also fold in inside and cut the excess or simply sew it flat. Sew the skirt along the pinned seam, repeat the same at the back. You can use another jeans or fabric for the extra fabric if you need for the skirt. Hem the bottom of the skirt, or if you like a frayed look do not close the hem.